Walking, and Window Shopping...


Hey folks!!! Most of you will be expecting another "geeky" post... if so you may be disappointed... ;^) I have decided to include not-so-geeky posts (without photographs even!) and maybe even some creative works as well... anyway here goes...

Anu, Madu, Dinesh and I decided to meetup, since Madu was down from India; and it was a long time since we had seen each other. So anyway I called up Anu to ask for details... and she tells me that they have to do some shopping as well, and would I and Dinesh mind accompanying them (why oh why didn't that warning bell go off in my head.!?), since it was a brief detour; and we could go have lunch afterwards... I (foolishly?) agreed...

Anyway the day was bright and full of sunshine (and hope?) when I set of to the "meet-up"; when disaster strikes... I find out Dinesh can't make it :-o. (Our valiant hero ploughs on...) I get to MC (Majestic City) and they turn up. First we take the escalator ride up to the first floor; Anu immediately decides that she wants popcorn... we take the stairs down to basement and go buy popcorn there.

Well after that we go upstairs again... to cut a long story short... "round and round the mulberry bush" would be saying it all ;^) anyway by the time MC ran out of shops (bookstores, fancy trinket shops and clothes stores) we had been there for 2 hours (and been walking all the time :'-( ). We decide to leave for lunch when I'm reminded that a trip to Romafour is due (oh the joy!? :'-( )

Well Romafour turns out to have nothing of interest either... and it's now raining outside... we wait for the rain to subside (this is the monsoon season...); I cajoled them into catching a bus to the restaurant. Getting off the bus we realise the rain hasn't subsided yet... so we (I ;-D) decide to dash to the restaurant from the bus halt... and get drenched (the cream on the cake eh?) and walk into "Chettinad" wet and soggy.

Well the nice part of the day was the food was excellent! Chicken Fried-Rice, Vegetable Manchurian and Devilled Prawns (note to reader... I'm a fan of food... and Anu almost always wants [Chinese?] rice!) We ate till we could eat no more and left... Anu wanted to go to "Book Lover's Paradise" (a small second-hand bookshop) to look for M&B's. Finding none we decide to leave for home; when Madu and Anu decide to go buy a umbrella at "Arpico"... well after that detour another detour to "DSI" was due... Then we went home (actually I didn't; met-up with Nimal went to TLC (The Linux Center) got Nimal to edit videos, got Bud to work on the Mango OS Installer, dumped some Linux Distro ISOs since TLC had a hard-disk failure and finished some/most of Suchetha's supply of Mountain Dew then went home!).

For the curious between Anu and Madu they had purchased t-shirts, footwear, makeup items and a soft-toy (rolls eyes). Here's my question to you all...

How come...

When men go shopping, they know what they want, get exactly what they want and do it minimal time possible...

While women go shopping, they don't know what they are looking for, get sooo many things that find their way to the back of the closet until an search party is organised, and take most of the day to do it?

Now for the flame wars... :-D